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 Infra-Red and Ionic Heat Healing compliments of:

Love the Bio-Mat like I do purchase your own!

The BioMat is more relaxing than most other infrared therapy modalities because you can lay down. We also recommend using headphones with ambient music to further the relaxing effects. To read a published study on the stress-relieving effects of the BioMat, click here. Or click here to read a more general scientific study, showing the anti-depressive and anti-anxiety effects of infrared therapy, using an animal model.

Relieves Stress, Improves Mood, Promotes Relaxation

Beautiful Nature

Supports Core Body Temperature

Enzymes are responsible for nearly every chemical and biological process in the body, and they are very sensitive to temperature. A small decrease in temperature can cause a large decrease in the activity of an enzyme. Many people have low body temperatures without considering if this could be related to other health problems.

Red Blossom

Whole-body infrared therapy, also called waon therapy, can increase the temperature of the body, and improve circulation greatly. The capillaries expand, and the hands and feet become warm, in the effort to shed excess heat. This extra blood flow allows more nutrients and oxygen to reach the cells, allows wastes to be rapidly exported, and allows rapid drainage of accumulated lymph. Click Here for a study showing the circulation benefits of waon therapy.

Improves Circulation

Fit Woman

Heals Soft Tissue

For brand new injuries that involve swelling, ice is usually the best treatment, in order to relieve swelling. However, for existing injuries, such as strains or sprains, or other soft tissue injuries, heat is the best treatment. The BioMat allows you to deliver heat deeply to the injury site, rather than just on the skin. It produces far infrared light without becoming hot to the touch, so you can use it very near to the injury as well. Click here for a study showing rapid and improved wound healing, using infrared therapy

Face Scrub

Allows Artificial Fever

Hippocrates said that it had the power to produce a fever, he could cure all disease. This is a bit of an overstatement. But still, it’s amazing that even in his time, he understood the body uses fever to fight off disease. It is possible to use the BioMat in order to raise body temperature in a controlled manner, by using the high settings and putting a blanket over yourself. This technique essentially creates a mild artificial fever. There is a fascinating book by Dr. Nobuhiro Yoshimizu, called The Fourth Treatment for Medical Refugees, which describes this technique in detail, and the breathtaking results that were achieved.

Yoga Instructor

Breaks a Sweat

Sweating is healthy, and it serves several important biological functions. Aside from cooling us off and unclogging pores, sweating allows our body to excrete accumulated toxic compounds. This study even finds that certain toxins are preferentially excreted through sweat. Going through life without sweating every day is unnatural, at least compared to the rest of human history. Of course, not everyone can exercise vigorously every day. But far infrared therapy does involve some of the same biological

Olive Oil Photography

Ionic Foot Bath Detoxification Therapy

Its History...

Ionic foot bath and equipment Detoxification in this manner has origins stemming back 5000 years to the Eastern Indian traditions of Ayur Vedic medicine. This system of healing used concentrated sea salt baths to draw out impurities in the body. This type of therapy was also practiced in Roman times in conjunction with the use of public baths. In both cases, impurities were drawn away from the body; from lower concentrations (in the body) to higher concentrations (in terms of salt) in the surrounding water, through both osmosis and diffusion.

The use of ionization; where water (in the confines of a foot bath) is charged with both positive and negative ions (acting then in a similar way to concentrated salt in water) is a new idea, but it is founded on the same historical principle. However, the results of using ionization are much more dramatic and noted in shorter periods of time.


In Europe, Ionic Foot Bath Detoxification is used to detoxify patients as a precursor to various therapies. The premise is that a body once detoxified is now younger (in function) and thereby more responsive to complementary therapies. The treatment of certain chronic states; conditions stemming from toxic build‑up in the body, have been enhanced dramatically both in terms of the time it takes to heal and the extent in which healing occurs.

Therapeutic Applications...

Ionic Foot Bath Detoxification has many therapeutic applications. This type of therapy can be used both:

As a precursor to the treatment of specific conditions that are connected to toxic congestion in the body, for example:




Kidney or Bladder issues (Cystitis)

Lung issues (Emphysema, Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease, Asthma etc.)

Skin conditions (Dermatitis, Eczema, Psoriasis, Rosacea)


to enhance specific therapies, for example:

Natural Weight Loss Therapy

Stop-smoking Therapy

Other conditions enhanced through Ionic Foot Bath Detoxification include:

A weakened immunity...

Complications related to exposure to cigarette smoke...

Complications related to exposure to environmental pesticides and pollutants...

Complications related to exposure to industrial toxins, contaminants and heavy metal toxicity...

How An Ionic Foot Bath Actually Works...

Through a process called electrolysis, the water in an Ionic Foot Bath (in combination with added sea salt) is charged into positive and negative ions. Toxins are also charged particles and as they circulate through the blood in the region of the foot, they are then naturally drawn to their opposite charge in the water that the foot is submersed in. Initiated through the attraction of opposite charges and facilitated through both osmosis and diffusion, any negatively charged toxins are drawn to positively charged ions in the water and any positively charge toxins are drawn out into the water by negatively charged ions. In the end these toxins are then neutralized in the water of the foot bath. What you see with a change in colour to the water in the foot bath relates in a visual way to accumulated toxins from the body being released from the body into this bath.

Pillow and Pro model on it, 1080 x 1080_

Amethyst Bio Mat 3000 MX Pro


The BioMat is very different from a standard heating pad. It does not contain heating coils or any point sources of heat, so it does not present the practical dangers associated with heating pads. It also has EMF protection built-in. And yet, the BioMat can transfer far more heat into the body, compared to a heating pad. This is because the heat transfer is radiant, not conductive. And since the heat is distributed evenly throughout the body, rather than just on the skin, there is great therapeutic value.

The radiant heat is produced by hot crystals that cover the surface of the mat, and there are settings to control the desired temperature of the crystals. The crystals are warmed by a flexible conductive heating plate, which was developed originally by NASA in order to safely warm space stations and other space vehicles.

infraredFar Infrared Light: This is the same phenomenon as visible light, but the wavelength is longer, so we cannot detect it visually. As the wavelength increases, the light can penetrate more deeply, transferring heat very efficiently. This is why sunlight warms us to our bones. If you hold a flashlight behind your fingers, only the red light can penetrate. This is because it has a longer wavelength than the other components of light.


ionsNegative Ions: These are air molecules that have an extra electron, hence the negative charge. They are abundant near large sources of moving water. Breathing these free electrons neutralizes oxidizing compounds (free radicals). They are anti-oxidant! You may also notice benefits of mood and alertness, due to increased serotonin levels.


amethyst amethyst: Natural crystals convert conductive heat into far infrared light very efficiently. Indeed, all infrared products rely on some kind of crystalline material for this reason, but some products use ceramic or graphite. Natural crystals have long been used for healing purposes, across many different cultures, and there could be a scientific basis for this practice, yet to be discovered.


The first picture below shows a spectrogram of the light output of the BioMat. You will notice heavy concentrations of light at 6-8 microns and 10-14 microns of wavelength. By producing a mixture of far infrared and medium infrared light, the BioMat is able to deliver heat evenly at many depths in the body, up to 6 inches. Every infrared product on the market has it’s own light signature, or “color,” just like different light bulbs can have different colors. The therapeutic value completely depends on the type of light that is being produced.

The second picture shows the 17 layers of the BioMat. This design is the result of extensive product research, including many iterations of product development. Each layer performs an important function

Far Infrared heat Sauna Domes

Far infrared sauna domes warm the body similar to natural sunlight without damage to the skin. Sauna Domes work by heating the air within the enclosure and also creates waves of heat that heat the body directly. Infrared heat waves penetrate within the body tissues, not just the surface, stimulating detoxification, increasing circulation and increasing your metabolic rate. Although saunas in general are good for detoxification, an infrared sauna channels heat deeper into the body. Infrared radiant energy penetrates the skin about 5cm deep. In the Infrared sauna dome, the body sweats and receives all of the healthy benefits but avoids the harmful and extreme hot air of a traditional sauna.

Improves Skin

Burns Calories – Once heat conditioned, burns as much as 600 calories in 30 minutes.

Removes Toxins – Even promotes mercury detoxification!

Relieves Pain – Arthritis, muscle spasms, joint stiffness, sprains.

Strengthens Cardiovascular System – Heart rate, cardiac output and metabolic rate increase, while diastolic blood pressure drops.

Reduces Stress/Fatigue

Strengthens Immune System

Reduces Swelling of Prostate in Men

Controls Excessive Leukorrhea in Women (PMS & Yeast)

Fascia is the sheath of connective tissue that surrounds and supports muscles, bones and internal organs. When you feel stiff and cramped after a long period of sitting in the same position or when you wake up stiff in the morning, your normally flexible fascia are likely to blame. With inactivity, fascia can become “stuck,” causing discomfort. Over the years, many different therapies have been developed to alleviate pain or posture problems attributed to fascial stiffness. Perhaps the best known is Rolfing, a system of deep tissue manipulation that aims to restructure the fascia. Massage and physical therapy can also help ease pain of this sort.

Fascia blasting is the latest approach. It involves the use of the FasciaBlaster, a white plastic wand with claw-like attachments that you rub on the skin over the painful area for three to five 5 minutes. I can’t tell you whether or not this method works because there have been no scientific studies of it. All we have are testimonials gathered by marketers of the product.

I’m dubious about claims that the FasciaBlaster can reduce cellulite. Its inventor, Ashley Black, maintains that by dealing with fascia you can eliminate cellulite. Black has no educational degrees and no medical credentials. She maintains that “fascia adhesions can pull the skin down and force the fat up, causing dents and dimples commonly known as cellulite. If the fascia were to lay flat, so would the fat.”

In spite of claims online that women have had success in changing the appearance of cellulite with the FasciaBlaster method, I have never seen any treatment that effectively eliminates it, although many are offered, from creams to dietary supplements to massage, wraps, injections, and special diets.

Source from:

What is fascia blasting?


Health Coaching Services

Life Style Support 

 The Health Coach will help you utilize all the treatments and advice from the VPG Waves Staff.

The coach will provide you with VIP treatments for success. 

You will get full attention and learn and practice the skills needed for a life time change. 
 60 minute weekly meal planning and exercise planning

Weekly Weigh-Ins

Q & As

The coach can meet you at a local grocery store, Whole Foods, or Stop N Shop in Glastonbury,  which ever one is similar to the store you shop at. Learn how to grocery shop for success.

1 trip to a local restaurant and learn how to order and how to eat including posture,  how many chews, small talk etc. 


Click Image to watch a youtube video to learn more:

EFT is similar to acupuncture, EFT focuses on the meridian points — or energy hot spots — to restore balance to your body's energy. ... They claim that stimulating the meridian points through EFT tapping can reduce the stress or negative emotion you feel from your issue (disease), ultimately restoring balance to your disrupted energy.

A stress Coach will use many techniques to teach you how to handle stress and reduce stress in your everyday living.  Stress Coaches help teach you how to be more in-tuned with your body and its needs.  You will learn how to give yourself permission to allow healing to begin.

What is EFT, Emotional Freedom Technique? What does a Stress Coach Do?

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Alternative Health does not replace the services of your doctor. We offer information along with our products and wellness programs to those who are willing to share responsibility for their own health with their physicians. In the event our patient/client uses this information, and goes off their prescriptions without the approval of a physician, he/she assumes full responsibility for it.

It should not be misconstrued to mean, imply, or indicate that the products or programs described cure anything, as no such claims are made. ONLY THE BODY CAN HEAL ITSELF, so the nutritional supplements are not offered as a cure, but rather as aids to the body in re-establishing normal functions. The body is very complex, and providing a clean diet and one hundred percent nutrition can optimize one’s health. Results may vary.

If your doctor indicates that nutrition is not important and attempts to treat you only with drugs, we suggest you obtain a second opinion from a diet-conscious physician who is more aware of natural methods of biological medicine, because - after all – it is your health!

The statements made about the effects of the dietary supplements/treatments have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Dietary and nutritional supplements are intended for special dietary use. They are not intended for use in the treatment, cure, prevention, or mitigation of any disease or disorder. They are intended to be used as part of an overall healthy lifestyle program that includes proper diet and exercise. Only your doctor can properly diagnose and treat any disease or disorder. Before starting to use any nutritional supplement, it is important to check with your doctor.

All statements on this website have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products/services are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

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